All in Project Management
Will your business be decarbonisation-ready for 2030 and beyond? Marbral Advisory’s Change Architect, Charlotte Boyle, explains some practical steps you can take right now including defining scope, identifying timeframes and reducing emissions.
Go green! Think green! Keep green and keep our planet clean! We have all been subject to the green slogans that innovative brands pump out on the daily. Whether your company is floating in the whitewash or ripping outback – it’s time to close the gap in our commitment to the environment. But what does ‘going green’ really mean and how do we all get there? In this article, Sasha Ogden, Change Architect for Marbral Advisory, explains.
Stephen France is an expert in technology change projects, working for Marbral Advisory in both the public and private sectors to deliver transformation and diminish data risk. In this article, he talks scammers, data as a commodity, and how we can all try to protect ourselves.
Is your company using CCTV? Are you considering installing cameras but unsure of the regulations? If so, read this article from Stephen France, Change Architect and GDPR Practitioner from Marbral Advisory.
Marbral Advisory have seen an upsurge in sustainability project management. It’s an area where behavioural change and influence is fundamental. In this article, Change Architect, Sasha Ogden looks at the plight of plastic pollution and how understanding our own personalities and appetite for change can really influence the environmental agenda.
Marbral Advisory’s Change Architect, Ian Richardson, looks at why GDPR is still causing headaches four years on from inception and tackles some common misconceptions.