What to do when someone says they're a consultant (and why you should care)

What to do when someone says they're a consultant (and why you should care)

We’ve all been there. You’re at a networking event and someone says: “I’m a consultant.” You smile whilst silently wondering, "but what do you actually do?" As a consultant myself, I can assure you there’s real value to what we do, and I’m going to give you some prompters that can help navigate consultancy conversations and how you might take advantage of these services.     

Step 1: Stay engaged! Ask some follow up questions.

Sure, it’s easy to nod and move on, thinking, “consultant, cool, not sure what to say next.” But wait! That’s where most people miss out. Consultants are hired to solve problems, spot opportunities, and bring a level of expertise that is enhanced by exposure to multiple businesses. With years of experience under their belts, consultants are experts at solving particular business challenges, and because of this they can help to get things done much more quickly and effectively.

Instead of moving on, consider: “what if this consultant could actually help streamline my own processes, reduce headaches, or save our company money?” A consultant’s job is to come in, do a deep dive, and give you the game plan you need to be more efficient and effective. So, yes, ask questions—what kind of consultant are they? What kind of problems do they solve?

Step 2: Navigate the consultancy speak

If they tell you they work in “strategy” or “operations,” that’s consultant-speak for, “I make things work better.” A good consultant will be able to explain their job in simple terms to make the conversation easier e.g., “I work in change management which means anytime a business wants to implement a change, for example, a new policy, I put a plan in place and act as the resource to push it across the line, making sure the people in the business are brought on the journey and engaged. The plan will ensure the policy is suitable to the business, supported by leadership, accepted by the people, and aligned with organisational strategy, which means that productivity and understanding will be achieved quicker, ultimately improving the business bottom line.”

Let’s say your business is stuck in a rut. You’re too busy putting out fires to focus on the big picture, and meanwhile, your competitors are surging ahead. This is where a consultant comes in as the outside perspective. Our job is to step in, make sense of the chaos, and offer concrete steps to move forward, whilst providing you a specialist resource to get the job done.

Step 3: Leave with an open mind

The best consultants will be data driven and hold themselves to account, which means they always get results. They will get to know your business, whilst consistently moving you forward in a positive direction. Before you finish your conversation, ask “why do you do what you do?” Their passion, expertise and drive should be clear from their answer, helping you to reflect on the value of their job.

Clients often come to us with problems. We provide clarity, a plan of action, and support with implementation. Marbral Advisory prides itself on the relationships we have with our clients, ensuring we go over and above to help them achieve their goals and deliver on the project. Whether it’s improving processes, building team cohesion, or developing new strategies, our consultants make things happen.

Step 4: Why you should actually call that consultant

If you’re still wondering whether it’s worth bringing in a consultant, let me put it simply: sometimes, you’re too close to the problem to see the solution. An outsider with fresh eyes is worth their weight in gold. We’re not bogged down by the internal politics or the “we’ve always done it this way” mindset.

So, the next time someone says, “I’m a consultant,” lean in. Ask them what they’ve helped solve for other businesses. Ask what magic they can work for yours. You might just find that they could be the perfect secret weapon to help your company grow, thrive, and take on its biggest challenges with confidence.

And if all else fails, don’t worry—we’re always happy to talk about “synergy” over a coffee. We’ll even bring the slides!

Marbral Advisory is a leading change and project management consultancy based in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK, and Ireland. The company offers consultancy and business analysis alongside fixed priced packaged services and training. Get in touch today to find out more: hello@marbraladvisory.com

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